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Professor Ignat Ignatov

Article by Professor Ignat Ignatov The author of the following article is a professor, a general manager and an owner of a Research centre for medical biophysics.  His mainstream scientific interest is research and examination of drinking water. The Bulgarian scientist is editor in chief of two American scientific magazines – Journal of Medicine, Physiology and Biophysics and Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing. He is also a part of the editorial […]

Doctor Genadi Gantchev

Doctor Genadi Gantchev, food expert and nutritionist: Due to my job’s specific character, I am acquainted with the qualities of the zeolite mineral and its miraculous nature. Fortunately, Bulgaria is one of the very few countries where the mineral can be obtained. I have read many literature and books which tell all about zeolite’s nature but so far I have used it mainly as a food supplement. The usage of minerals and […]

Associated Professor Rumyana Hristova

Associated Professor Rumyana Hristova – Chemical Engineer Zeolites are a large group of minerals, that are in their essence water luminosilicates basically of sodium and potassium and rarely of barium and calcium. Their crystal structure resembles honeycomb that cannot be destroyed under any atmospheric conditions. Zeolites are a large group of minerals, that are in their essence water aluminosilicates basically of sodium and potassium and rarely of barium and calcium. Their crystal […]

More about the Zeolite

Zeolite has a strong anti-oxidant action and supports the body in the regulation of its biochemical balance Зеолитът влияе благоприятно върху отделянето на токсините. Той е мощно детоксикиращо средство, помагащо на организма да се защити от свободните радикали. Той е силен антиоксидант. Сваля т.нар. „мъртво тегло“, поради изхвърлянето на шлаките от организма. Зеолитът извежда от организма нитрозамините – това са канцерогенните вещества, които се образуват при консервиране на храни, пържене, опушване или […]