Зеолитът влияе благоприятно върху отделянето на токсините. Той е мощно детоксикиращо средство, помагащо на организма да се защити от свободните радикали. Той е силен антиоксидант. Сваля т.нар. „мъртво тегло“, поради изхвърлянето на шлаките от организма. Зеолитът извежда от организма нитрозамините – това са канцерогенните вещества, които се образуват при консервиране на храни, пържене, опушване или при използване на нитратна сол. Притежава адсорбиращи свойства спрямо радиоактивните елементи като Цезий 134 и Цезий 137, стронций, както и към тежките метали: живак, кадмий, олово, цинк, хром. Зеолитът е особено подходяща за по-бързото възстановяване на силите на организма на спортисти и хора с повишена физическа активност. Той подпомага потентността и издръжливостта.Пречиства бъбреците и жлъчката от песъчинки. Помага при лечение на инфекции на пикочните пътища. Нормализира кръвното налягане, премахва безсънието, потенето, напрегнатостта. Намалява симптомите на алергии. Улавя някои от алергените и антигените, които предизвикват алергии, мигрена, астма. Нормализира киселинно-алкалния баланс. Това е изключително важно за общото укрепване, защото повечето хора живеят в състояние на излишна киселинност, предизвикана най-вече от лошо или неправилно хранене.
Zeolite mineral influences really well the excretion of toxins. It is a mighty detoxing resource which supports the body’s protection from free radicals. Zeolite mineral is a strong antioxidant. Its regular use helps to reduce the so-called dead weight because it purifies the organism and helps getting rid of the unnecessary and harmful material.
It assists the body in catching and bringing out the nitrosamine – carcinogenic substances that are formed during preservation of food, while frying, fumigation or using of nitrate salt. It has absorbing properties to radioactive elements like Cesium 134 and Cesium 137, Strontium, and to the heavy metal as well like Mercury, Cadmium, Plumbum, Zinc, Chromium.
It is particularly useful for athletes and people with higher physical activities. It is an important factor in the preserving of potency and strength. It catches some of the allergens and antigens which cause allergies, asthma and respiratory problems. It normalizes the acid-base balance. This is an extremely important factor for the general condition of the organism as the majority of people are under the influence of an extra acidic environment caused by unhealthy food habits and irregular nutrition. Zeolite mineral helps digestion and is effective in case of alcohol abuse and nutrition problems. factor in the preserving of potency and strength. It catches some of the allergens and antigens which cause allergies, asthma and respiratory problems. It normalizes the acid-base balance. This is an extremely important factor for the general condition of the organism as the majority of people are under the influence of an extra acidic environment caused by unhealthy food habits and irregular nutrition.
Zeolite mineral helps digestion and is effective in case of alcohol abuse and nutrition problems. This is the very reason why we chose the worldwide recognised technology of zeolite filtration. Since ages, Zeolite has had a variety of different applications and in the last decades, it has reached even greater popularity as a specific fine membrane for water purification. After our water is extracted from a Balkan Spring it passes through precise zeolite filter in order to reach users more perfect than ever.
Our clients report that zeolite filtered water Sevtopolis helps them enhance their vitality. Many people who regularly drink zeolite filtered water claim that they feel better, have more energy, concentration and clear conscious. For more information see section References and our Blog.
Water is health. Water is life. Human’s body contains 70-75 % water. Daily and regular water intake are essential for the maintenance of health, balance and inner harmony.