
Zeolite filtered spring water

Zeolite filtered spring water from the Balkan

Water gets through several phases of treatment and purification: carbon filtration,
ozonation, UV filter and our exclusive know-how technology for zeolite filtration.

The content of the spring water includes a minimal quantity of salts and minerals. It has a really low level of mineralization. Total mineralization is below 75 mg/l.

As opposed to mineral water which is not recommended for children under 7 years
old, spring water has no age limitations. Spring water is suitable for children, babies and adults who prefer its more natural and ingenuous taste.

Spring water’s is type is “live” water. It has the perfect active reaction /pH/ 7.2. pH is an indicator of acidity or alkalinity of water. Water with pH under 6.5. is acidic while water with pH within the boundary between 6.5 and 12.5 is alkaline.

Our water is defined as slightly alkaline water or the so-called live water which is a great tonic and stimulating agent. Spring water influences well humans’ bodies.